Samantha Dennison

Oil on Canvas 35.5 x 35.5 cm $950

Oil on Canvas 50 x 50 cm $1400
2011 Graduate Certificate Literacy Education Edith Cowan University
1990 Bachelor of Education (Secondary Art) Edith Cowan University
1989 Bachelor of Arts (Education) Edith Cowan University
2017 Across the Road and Around the Corner, Linton and Kay Galleries, Mandoon Estate
2015 Conversations, Vancouver Arts Centre, Albany WA
2003 Escape, Gallows Gallery, Mosman Park WA
2018 Christmas Exhibition, Part 2, Allison K Bellinger Gallery
Women of the West, Linton and Kay Galleries Mandoon Estate
Hale Fine Art Show
Perth College Art Exhibition
2017 Women of Wildflowers, Linton and Kay Galleries Mandoon Estate
Hyper-Botanica, Gallerysmith, Melbourne
Trophy, MIX Artists, PIAF Great Southern Festival, Albany
2016 Artist Open House Fremantle
City of Albany Art Prize
Square, MIX Artists Inc, PIAF Great Southern Festival, Albany
Hale Fine Art Show
2015 Fleurt, Saint Cloche Gallery, Sydney
Great Southern Art Award, Albany
2014 Great Southern Art Award, Albany
2011 Meticulous Miniatures Exhibition, Mundaring Art Centre
2008 Perth College Art Exhibition
2007 Perth College Art Exhibition
Methodist Ladies College Biennial Art Exhibition
2006 Arthritis Foundation of WA Art Award
2005 Perth College Art Exhibition
Minnawarra Festival of Art
Methodist Ladies College Biennial Art Exhibition
2004 Perth College Art Exhibition
Trinity College Art Award
Arthritis Foundation of WA Art Exhibition
Guide Dogs Association Art Exhibition
2003 Methodist Ladies College Biennial Art Exhibition
2002 Minnawarra Festival of Art
2002 Hospice Cancer Foundation Annual Art and Craft Exhibition
2001 Waratah Red Cross Art Exhibition
1998 Albany Art Prize
1997 Fremantle Art Voyage II Exchange Whitbread Round the World Race (WA/UK)
1996 Printmakers Association of WA Annual Open and Experimental Exhibitions
1995 Idiosyncrasies - Printmakers Association of WA
1992 Printmakers Association of WA Annual Open and Experimental Exhibitions
2018 Finalist Eutick Memorial Still Life Award
2016 Finalist City of Albany Art Prize
2015 Painting Prize Great Southern Art Award
Popular Choice Award Great Southern Art Award
2014 Popular Choice Award Great Southern Art Award
Highly Commended Great Southern Art Award
2003 Highly Commended Leonora Art Award
2002 Highly Commended City of Melville Art Awards
2001 First Prize - Acrylic City of Melville Art Awards
2001 Highly Commended City of Gosnells Art Awards
1998 Highly Commended Albany Art Prize
2006 Art Teacher Perth Modern School
2005 Art Teacher Perth College
2004 Art Teacher Perth College
1997 - 2000 Senior Art Teacher Trinity College
1996 Art Teacher Scotch College
1994 - 1995 Art Teacher Mandurah Senior High School
1991 - 1993 Teacher in Charge Art Central Midlands Senior High School
1990 Art Teacher Swanbourne Senior High School